Children's Chorus

The Children's Chorus is open to singers ages 8-13, who have little or no former choral experience, through placement audition. Singers will learn the fundamentals of healthy vocal production, and aural, part- independence, notation-reading, and ensemble skills; there is a special emphasis on learning audiation (i.e., to hear and understand music in the brain) skills and the development of autonomous musicians. Through developmentally appropriate vocal activities and repertoire, singers learn music in unison and multi-part voicing and a variety of musical styles and languages. Students perform in two concerts per year, in the fall and spring. All choristers must have text-reading ability.

Dr. Sarah Houghton holds an MA from New York University, a DMA in Music Education from Boston University, and has most recently worked as Director of Children's Choruses at the prestigious New England Conservatory, in Boston. She is looking forward to building a vibrant choral program at the Gifted Music School.


or call 385.222.7787 now!


Course Details Fall Semester 
Instructor(s) Dr. Sarah Houghton
Meets Fridays at 4:00 p.m.
Duration 60 minutes
Length 15 weeks
Starts August 23, 2024
Ends December 13, 2024
Age Range 8 to 14
Music Fee $20/semester
Materials Pencil, water bottle, black performance attire
Location On Campus (In-Person)


Course Details Spring Semester
Instructor(s) Dr. Sarah Houghton
Meets Fridays at 4:00 p.m.
Duration 60 minutes
Length 15 weeks
Starts January 24, 2025
Ends May 16, 2025
Age Range 8 to 14
Music Fee $20/semester
Materials Pencil, water bottle, black performance attire
Location On Campus (In-Person)


Tuition for GMS Lesson Students
Tuition for All Others
$280/semester $330/semester


Placement Audition

All new vocal students (or new to an ensemble) should participate in a placement audition. This will provide information as to whether the child should be in an ensemble or in voice lessons, or both. Come prepared with a short song (of your choice) that you feel comfortable singing. Interested students will participate in a 10-minute placement lesson with Dr. Houghton. Students should bring a song of choice to sing a cappella (without an accompanist); it does not have to be memorized. If you are unsure whether your child should be placed in the Children's Chorus, Preparatory Chorus, or private voice lessons, Dr. Houghton will be able to provide individualized feedback and recommendations at the placement audition.

Fill out the registration form, and we will get in touch with you!

or call 385.222.7787 now!